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Laser Therapy for Gum Disease Sufferers

February 21, 2018

Female patient receiving dental careWhen you hear the word “laser” does a visit to the dentist come to mind? For most people, lasers call to mind science fiction, but there are a variety of professions that regularly use lasers to improve the effectiveness, speed, or comfort of services and treatments. That includes dentistry. In recent years, many dental offices have incorporated lasers into their practices. Lasers dentistry has specifically improved soft tissue therapies for those patients suffering from gum disease and those who need to remove damaged or excessive soft tissue.

How Does Laser Dentistry Benefit Patients?

September 13, 2017

Woman receiving dental careLaser aren’t just good for space-age weaponry in sci-fi movies anymore. Today, numerous professionals use lasers to complete tasks with greater precision. Contractors use laser levels to quickly check their work for any signs of shifting or canting. Eye doctors use lasers to restore 20/20 vision. Dentists are also taking advantage of high tech dental lasers in order to provide patients with safe, comfortable, precision dentistry services.

Do You Suffer from Jaw Pain? We Can Help!

July 22, 2017

young woman with jaw pain holding her faceA strange thing happens sometimes when people are in pain. They take an aspirin and assume it will go away. Sometimes this is true, but if you’re living with chronic jaw pain, it’s unlikely to clear up on its own. There are numerous causes for jaw pain, and at the Arcadia dental office of Kenneth J. Canzoneri, DDS, we are happy to assess your smile and help you find treatment to relieve jaw pain. Dr. Canzoneri, like all dentists, has advanced training and experience that allows him to better understand oral and facial function. This includes the advanced skills necessary to provide jaw pain relief. Pain in the jaw prevents people from performing even the simplest tasks like chewing, speaking, or smiling. Contact our dedicated team right away if you experience jaw pain. This is never normal, and we are always here help!

Arcadia Cosmetic Dentist Helps You Smile Pretty Again

September 16, 2015

Smiling woman with beautiful teeth thanks to the Arcadia cosmetic dentistAt our office, we know that a great smile is about more than just the way it functions. Yes, we want you to be able to chew and speak well, but we also care about the way your smile looks. Misshapen, discolored or severely stained teeth just aren’t teeth you feel good about. This fall, don’t wait to do something for yourself. Your Arcadia cosmetic dentist can evaluate your teeth, listen to your goals and help you achieve the bright, beautiful smile you deserve — read on to learn about what options are available to you in cosmetic dentistry.

Your Arcadia Dentist Uses Laser Dentistry

August 26, 2015

General Dentist ArcadiaThere are some things in dentistry that I’ll admit just don’t feel good. Cavities, extractions and root canals got their reputation for a reason. For a lot of years, that pain was just an unfortunate reality of repairing dental problems.

The Differences Between Amalgam and Composite Fillings

August 8, 2011

For years, dentists have been using amalgam fillings to protect teeth from decay. Made from a combination of metals, including mercury, amalgam fillings are considered safe and effective, and many dentists the world over still use them for restorations.

But a new type of filling is quickly becoming the preferred choice for many dentists, including Dr. Canzonericomposite fillings. With composite fillings, Dr. Canzoneri can offer patients of our Arcadia office better protection from bacteria and plaque, protection that also matches a patient’s natural tooth color, resulting in a stronger, more esthetically pleasing smile.


Protect Your Heart by Protecting Your Smile

July 8, 2011

You know that daily brushing and flossing, plus regular dental visits, can help you prevent cavities. But did you also know taking care of your smile is important for your heart health, too?

Without regular brushing or dental visits, bacteria and plaque can harden into tartar, which works with bacteria to create infected pockets between your teeth and gums. These pockets allow bacteria to enter your bloodstream and travel to other parts of your body, including your heart, where the cycle only continues.
