Kenneth J. Canzoneri Blog
With Sedation Dentistry from Dr. Canzoneri, You Don’t Have To Be One of the Millions of Patients Who Avoids the Dentist Every Year
December 9, 2011
Millions of patients avoid the dentist every year, and for a variety of reasons. For some, it’s because of anxiety. For others, it’s because of neck or back pain, a sensitive gag reflex, or a neuromuscular problem like TMJ dysfunction. Still others might need to have several procedures completed but only have time for one appointment.
If any of these describe your situation, sedation dentistry from Dr. Canzoneri’s Arcadia dental office may be right for you.
How Does Sedation Dentistry Work?
Dr. Canozeri uses a type of sedation dentistry called oral sedation. With oral sedation, patients will only need to take a small prescription pill before arriving for their appointment. As this pill takes effect, you’ll begin to feel sleepy and relaxed. (more…)
Teach Your Little One about Brushing and Flossing This Halloween
October 28, 2011
Another Halloween is right around the corner. That means costumes, of course, but it also means candy—and lots of it.
Candy, as we’ve all be taught from a very early age, causes cavities, but that’s no reason to stay at home on Halloween night. Holidays are for splurging a little, after all, and so with that in mind, Dr. Canzoneri and the rest of the team at our Arcadia office would like to wish everyone a safe, fun, and happy Halloween.
We’d also like to encourage you to use this upcoming holiday as an excuse to teach your little one about brushing and flossing. Both are important for maintaining strong, healthy smiles, and learning about them at a young age can do a lot to help children develop habits that could last for a lifetime.
Have any questions about how you can teach your son or daughter about brushing and flossing? Feel free to give our Arcadia office a call any time. Dr. Canzoneri and the rest of our team would be happy to answer any questions you might have, in addition to scheduling an upcoming appointment.
What’s the Difference Between In-Office and At-Home Teeth Whitening?
September 6, 2011
Whether because of certain foods or drinks, or other factors like aging, tobacco, or even medications like tetracycline, teeth can become stained. But even if stained teeth might be inevitable, the good news is you can do something about it.
At Dr. Canzoneri’s Arcadia office, patients have two options for getting rid of stains—in-office and at-home whitening. But while both can significantly brighten stained teeth, there are important differences to consider.
Diabetes and Gum Disease
August 30, 2011
I am always concerned that people do not understand the importance of regular dental cleanings. One of the many reasons I feel dental cleanings are so important is the relationship between gum disease and diabetes. When a person has diabetes they are at risk of developing periodontal disease. Once a diabetic has gum disease the treatment and healing process is dramatically slower. For a person who has diabetes, regular cleanings, usually every 4 months is vital.
The Diabetes Research Wellness Foundation has a great website with some excellent information regarding diabetes and gum disease connection.
The Differences Between Amalgam and Composite Fillings
August 8, 2011
For years, dentists have been using amalgam fillings to protect teeth from decay. Made from a combination of metals, including mercury, amalgam fillings are considered safe and effective, and many dentists the world over still use them for restorations.
But a new type of filling is quickly becoming the preferred choice for many dentists, including Dr. Canzoneri—composite fillings. With composite fillings, Dr. Canzoneri can offer patients of our Arcadia office better protection from bacteria and plaque, protection that also matches a patient’s natural tooth color, resulting in a stronger, more esthetically pleasing smile.
Protect Your Heart by Protecting Your Smile
July 8, 2011
You know that daily brushing and flossing, plus regular dental visits, can help you prevent cavities. But did you also know taking care of your smile is important for your heart health, too?
Without regular brushing or dental visits, bacteria and plaque can harden into tartar, which works with bacteria to create infected pockets between your teeth and gums. These pockets allow bacteria to enter your bloodstream and travel to other parts of your body, including your heart, where the cycle only continues.
Single-Visit Smile Makeovers from Your Arcadia Dentist
June 16, 2011
Almost everyone can pinpoint some aspect of their smile that they dislike. Maybe you have a dark spot on one tooth or yellow stains that age your appearance. Maybe you think that cosmetic dentistry is a luxury that only celebrities can afford. I’ve been practicing dentistry in the Arcadia area for over 25 years, and I’m here to tell you that almost everyone can benefit from a little conservative cosmetic dentistry. At our office, we even offer several procedures that can be completed in just one visit. (more…)
The Power Of A Smile
March 2, 2011
I cannot tell you how many times a patient or acquaintance has said to me “I really don’t care about the looks of my teeth, just fix the cavities.” Yet many of these people tend to hide their teeth by not smiling, looking away as they talk or putting their hand over their mouth.
There is nothing that adds more beauty to a face than a smile. Here are a few quotes about the value of a smile:
“A smile is a facelift that’s in everyone’s price range! “ Tom Wilson, American cartoonist.
“A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing, person inside.” Dennis Waitley, American writer.
Dale Carnegie, one of America’s great motivational speakers devotes an entire chapter in his book “How To Win Friends and Influence People” to the smile. He states “Actions speak louder than words and a smile says, I like you”
The importance of a youthful, healthy, bright smile cannot be overlooked or minimized. The first things people notice on a person’s face are the eyes followed by the mouth. Look in a mirror and smile. Is your smile saying I am a healthy, confident, youthful person or is your smile yellow and cracked or worn? Rejuvenating a smile is not a complicated, in many cases, as it would seem. Contact a dentist, check out some websites and see what is possible.
They say your eyes are the window to your soul , well I believe your smile is!
A Day at the Beach…
February 15, 2011
On Feb 4, 2011 Dr. Canzoneri and our team Deanna, Terry, Angela, Christina, Sandra, Valerie and Jacqueline spend the day together at the Hyatt, Huntington Beach.
What should you do if your tooth gets knocked out!
November 18, 2010
One of the biggest problems with saving a tooth that has been knocked out (the dental term is “avulsed”) is dealing with the chaos that ensues. People are all trying to give advice and there is usually a moderate amount of bleeding and pain with the trauma.
First save any tooth that has been knocked out and bring it to your dentist as soon as possible. The longer you wait the less chance the tooth can be reimplanted. Only handle the tooth by the crown (chewing edge). Try to replace the tooth in the socket. Make sure it is facing in the right direction. Do not try and force it into the socket. If it doesn’t go back into place easily, then it’s better to bring it to your dentist. Place the tooth in a container and cover it with milk or saliva. The tooth can also be carried between the lower lip and gum or under the tongue.
Once a tooth has been reimplanted a dentist will usually stabilize it by attaching it to the teeth next to it. Usually a root canal will need to be done because the nerves and blood vessels in the tooth are damaged beyond repair.
If you are faced with this sort of trauma, remember to stay calm, follow these few steps and your chance to save your tooth will increase.