Deep Scaling or Regular Cleaning?
October 23, 2009
My hygienist, receptionists and I are asked this question everyday. There is some confusion between a prophy (regular cleaning) and periodontal scaling (deep cleaning) A prophylaxis is when stain, plaque and calculus is removed from the surface of the tooth. A deep cleaning or scaling is the process where plaque (bacteria and food mixture) and calculus (mineralized plaque deposits) are removed from both above and below the gumline. The root surface just under the gum is also cleaned of any plaque or calculus, resulting in a smooth, sleek surface.
In my dental office a patient is usually numb for a root planning procedure so that the appointment is completely comfortable. This may require the use of a topical anesthetic such as Oraquix or Cetacaine spray or a small injection at the gum.
Deep Scaling is one of the best treatments to fight gum disease. Sadly, gum disease often has no major symptoms but can do significant damage the supporting structures of the teeth which ultimately can cause bone and tooth loss!
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